Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Onion, peeling and cutting

In culinary school they teach you "the proper way" to do things. For everyday use their way is usually impractical, because it wastes a lot and takes much more time to do. If you are tired and short on money, do you really want to take more time to do something, and also waste a lot of what you are using? Not really. But for onions, I have found that the way they teach you in school is probably the best, fastest, and you can choose to not waste the "imperfect" cuts.

I hope this helps!


  1. Haha this is great! :D Skills that kills! :P

  2. These are actually quite usefull so thank you!

  3. I'm always terrified of dicing things, I appreciate the link!

  4. This is awesome! I like to cook but i really don't know a lot about it, it's just a budding hobby of mine.

  5. Friend is going to culinary school too, funny he always corrects me as well....

  6. that was a nice vid actually, learned few things

  7. Awesome, I'll sharpen up my knives and give this a go next time i'm cutting onions

  8. my great-great grandpa immigrated from italy and opened an italian restaurant, and although it has since closed, my grandpa and mom still know all the recipes. They sometimes use onions, and I have seen some pretty incredible cutting like this. I have tried it... and failed. It's so hard to do!

    My grandpa told me that the fumes from onions reacts with the saline in your eyes to form HCl (stomach acid, basically)... I don't know if this is true but it definitely explains the stinging sensation!

  9. I use onions in my homemade macaroni and cheese to make a rue. I usually end up wasting a lot, so this is really helpful, especially in these economic times. Thanks!

  10. Oh wow, cool technique! I'll have to use that next time I make soup.
    Nice blog and vids!

  11. @J J Constantine I don't know exactly what kind of reaction happens but that makes sense! Also it helps to reduce the fumes if you use a sharp knife.

  12. Thats nice tutorial, I used to just hammer the onions with knife and hope they'll become good sized bits but it wont work that well :p

  13. nice video, next time im making omlettes for my family ill do this

  14. Yes, but how much do you cry afterwards?

  15. Onions make me cry.

  16. Onions are the best ingredient in foods imo! Great vid.

  17. Really great Blog! I'm actually going to create one my self. Been a chef at an italian catering business for many years.

    When i get my chef blog started we will have to collaborate! until than if you have a droid check out my android blog:
