Thursday, February 17, 2011

Honing your knife is not sharpening it!

You can help keep your knives in tip-top shape if you hone them regularly using a honing steel. Honing does not replace actually sharpening them though, the mechanics behind honing is it straightens out the blade that may be bent on a nearly microscopic level. It will not shave off metal (unless you have one of those new diamond honing rods, I wouldn't recommend buying one of those), and give you a new edge.

When you hone your knives you usually don't need more than 5 passes on each side to effectively bend the edge back into place. If it takes more than that for you to notice a change in cutting, then you need to sharpen it. I will have a post on sharpening your knives soon.

Also please be careful when using knives. Before I actually learned all these things, my knives were REALLY dull, and I was never worried about touching the edge. After I learned to sharpen and hone my knives, I was in the bad habit of not being careful, and cut my fingers many times.


  1. Good information. I would have never thought to hone the blade back.

  2. Very good piece of advice. most peopel are not aware of this.

  3. dint know that, thanks for sharing this information

  4. Please do something like kitchen for dummies ;)

  5. I was doing it completely wrong, thanks for the video bro!

  6. I wasn't aware of this at all, I always thought that was sharpening it. And To Rock this blog is definitely kitchen for dummies I'm learning a ton :P

  7. I just use new blades. That blade has to be sharp when im shaving my balls.

  8. Didn't know about this! Glad to learn about it.

  9. i never knew that, i thought that tool was for sharpening, guess i was wrong

  10. I can't find any place that sells a honer. Where would I go?

  11. sharp knife = sharp mind. cool blog and thanks for the tips.

  12. @Josh You can find a honing steel at nearly any kitchen store, or department store (with a kitchen department).

  13. didn't know about that 5 passes rule.

  14. good post. i didnt know there was a difference between honing and sharpening. keep it up.

  15. Made me lol, my grandpa used to do this
